For those of you who like biographies, here’s a review from Julie:

nomore.gifLately I’ve been reading some of Reeve Lindbergh’s books. Anne Morrow Lindbergh was (is? how would you put it when the writer is dead (thus was), but you’re still enjoying her books (thus is)? anyway…) one of my favorite writers. I read her daughter Reeve’s memoir of their family’s life during her (Reeve’s) childhood, and one about Anne’s last few years, living with Reeve. That one, called No More Words, a reference to Anne’s gradual loss of ability to communicate, really resonated in parts, as I think it would with many people with elderly parents. It was especially poignant since Anne had been a writer. I chose the books for the memoir aspect, but really came to enjoy Reeve’s writing for itself, as well. (So now I’m reading a couple of other books of hers, one of which is a fictional treatment of some of the same territory as in No More Words.) Anyway, I would recommend this book to someone who has read Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s books, to someone who likes memoirs, and especially to someone who is facing the decline of an elderly parent.